FRANK B. FORD, Attorney at Law

5944 Dacosta
Dearborn Heights, MI 48127

Phone: (313) 565-9289
Fax: (313) 565-6717

Email Address:

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  • OWI (Operating while Intoxicated)
    • also called DWI (Driving while Intoxicated)
    • also called DUI (Driving under the Influence)
    • also called OUIL (Operating under the Influence of Intoxicating Liquor)
    • also called OUI (Operating under the Influence)
    • also called drunk driving
  • UBAC (Unlawful Bodily Alcohol Content),
    • also called UBAL (Unlawful Blood Alcohol Level)
    • also called Per se (it's Latin)
  • OWVI (Operating while Visibly Impaired due to the Consumption of Alcohol)
    • also called OWAI (Operating while Ability Impaired)
    • also called impaired driving
  • OWICS (Operating while Intoxicated by a Controlled Substance),
    • also called OWIN (Operating while Intoxicated by Narcotics)
    • also called OWID (Operating while Intoxicated by Drugs)
    • also called OUID (Operating under the Influence of Drugs)
  • OWPD (Operating with the Presence of Drugs)
  • Zero Tolerance (Junior UBAL)
  • Open Intoxicants in a Motor Vehicle
  • Child Endangerment
  • MIP (Minor in Possession of Alcohol)
  • PBT Refusal (Preliminary Breath Test Refusal)
  • Probation Violations
    • also called Show Cause Hearings
  • DWLS (Driving while License Suspended)
    • also called DDS
  • DWLR (Driving while License Revoked)
    • also called DDR


    Frank B. Ford will devote hours of time to your individual drunk driving file, searching for the defenses, finding the loopholes, and taking advantage of the errors. Each arrest was preceded by a story of what happened leading up to contact with the police. Mr. Ford will draw that story out in his first meeting with you, so he will know the circumstances "from before the start to after the finish." Then he will review the police officer's version of what happened, along with all of the other documents prepared by the police. There may be video recordings that he can review for evidence of innocence and for errors by the officers. From all of this Mr. Ford can develop a strong defense.

First Things First

    When you call about your drunk driving case, I will ask you some specific questions, so that I know where the case stands both "substantively" and "procedurally." Be aware that you should check both your ticket and your bond receipt to determine when you are supposed to appear in court. Some tickets simply say to appear within a certain number of days, but the bond receipt may give you a specific date that is earlier than the end of what you think is your time limit for coming to court. Many courts will not require you to appear for the first court date (called the Arraignment), if an attorney files certain paperwork with the court before the date you would otherwise have to appear. I will be able to do that for you in most cases.

Practice Areas

  • Drunk Driving (OWI, DWI, DUI, DUIL, OUI, OUIL, UBAL, UBAC, Per se)
  • Impaired Driving (OWVI, OWAI)
  • Operating while Intoxicated by a Controlled Substance (OWICS, OWIN, OUID)
    Operating while Visibly Impaired by a Controlled Substance (OWVICS or OWVIN)
    Operating with the Presence of Drugs (OWPD)
  • Zero Tolerance (Jr. UBAL)
  • Child Endangerment
  • PBT Refusal (Preliminary Breath Test Refusal)
  • Implied Consent Refusal Suspension Hearings
    Driver License Appeal Division (DLAD, also called DAAD)
  • Driver's License Restoration Hearings
    Driver License Appeal Division (DLAD, also called DAAD)
  • License Restoration Appeals to Circuit Court
  • Sentencing Issues
  • Driving while License Suspended (DWLS)
    Driving while License Revoked (DWLR)
  • Probation Violations
  • Traffic Tickets
  • Other Criminal Matters

Attorney Biography

    Frank B. Ford

    • Born: 1948 in Springfield, Missouri (When I say, "Show Me!", I mean it.)
    • A.B. (cum laude) 1970, Washington University in St. Louis
    • M.F.A. 1972, University of Connecticut
    • J.D. 1977, Wayne State University
    • Licensed to practice law in Michigan since 1977.

At Your Service

    The Law Office of Frank B. Ford, Attorney and Counselor at Law, has been located in Dearborn Heights since 1985. Located in a quiet area, it is ideally suited for a comfortable, in-depth discussion about your legal issues. Your situation deserves, and gets, a large block of time, for full exploration of the facts of the matter, and full understanding of your concerns and hopes for the outcome of the matter.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is "OWI"?
  • They've got my breath test result, and it's over .08! How can I do anything other than just go into court and plead guilty?
  • I blew under .08, so how can they still charge me?
  • They didn't see me drive, so why was I arrested?
  • Should I have taken the breath test?
  • I have a piece of paper that says, "Michigan Temporary Driving Permit." Where's my license? Can I drive?
  • If I get convicted, for how long will I lose my license?
  • Should I hire an attorney?

Attorney and Counselor at Law
5944 Dacosta
Dearborn Heights, Michigan 48127
Phone: (313)565-9289  |  Fax: (313)565-6717